Monday, August 29, 2011

A user called who had lost a document.

Thinking at first that we could restore it from a backup tape, my colleague started asking some standard questions.
o Me: "Okay, when did you lose the document?"
o User: "I don't know. I wrote it about a year or so ago."
o Me: "When did you write it?"
o User: "I don't know."
o Me: "Was the document deleted?"
o User: "I don't think so. It's on the server somewhere."
o Me: "Which network drive did you save it to?"
o User: "I don't know."
o Me: "Well, what is the name of the document?"
o User: "I don't know. It was too long ago!"
o Me: "Can you tell me what client it referred to?"
o User: "No."
o Me: "Ummm, well, there are several hundred thousand documents on the servers, so unless we have some more information about the document, it's going to be tough to find."
o User: "But, can't you just restore it from the backup? I really need this document!"
o Me: "What kind of document was it?"
o User: "It was a fax, and I don't want to have to type it again!"

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